Thursday, April 30, 2015

Education Groups Were The Biggest Spending Lobbyists In New York Last Year

The cash is raining down, on both sides of the education debate.

Mike Groll / AP

The two biggest-spending lobbyists in New York this year were dueling education groups, according to a report from the Joint Commission on Public Ethics, released yesterday.

Families for Excellent Schools, a pro-charter school nonprofit founded in 2011, spent $9.6 million in lobbying in 2014, the highest of any group in the state. The second-highest spender was on the opposite end of the ideological spectrum: teachers unions, whose two main groups spent $4.6 million.

Unions, which include both the statewide group and New York City's 180,000-member United Federation of Teachers, have long been forces in state and national politics. But Families for Excellent Schools, which outspent the next four-highest groups on the list combined, did not even make the top ten highest spenders in New York in 2013.

Joint Commission on Public Ethics

Joint Commission on Public Ethics

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Education Groups Were The Biggest Spending Lobbyists In New York Last Year

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